Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Center for European Studies | November 2022 Newsletter


EuropeNow News

Issue 49: Business in Politics and Society

The fall issue of EuropeNow has arrived with a special feature curated by Daniel Kinderman, Dennie Oude Nijhuis, and Thomas Paster of the CES Business in Politics and Society Research Network. This special feature offers some glimpses into the results of recent research into the role of business interests in European politics and society. 

To read the full issue, click here.


Fellowships and Grants

IMSISS-CES Visiting Scholar Fellowship

CES invites applications for the IMSISS-CES Visiting Scholar Fellowship which provides mobility funding to CES members to undertake a visit of up to 2 weeks at one of the IMSISS consortium universities. Participating institutions for the 2022/23 fellowship cycle are Dublin City University (Ireland) and University of Trento (Italy).

IMSISS is an international consortium of universities and non-academic partners funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme to deliver an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies. The IMSISS consortium is coordinated by the University of Glasgow and CES is an associate partner.

The deadline for submitting applications is on November 30 at 11:59 pm CET.


CES Small Event Grants

CES Small Event Grants support workshops, lectures, symposia and other small events that share research on Europe with a wider community. Individuals affiliated with CES member institutions are eligible to apply for grants ranging from $300 to $1,000.

For more detailed information about the eligibility criteria and application procedure, please visit our website.

The deadline to apply for our small event grants is on December 5th at 11:59 EST.


CES Memberships

CES Institutional Membership

CES Members provide crucial support and are engaged in innovative & influential research. CES' Academic Consortium includes a range of prestigious universities & academic institutions worldwide. All CES Member Institutions have the chance to be featured as one of EuropeNow's Campus Spotlights, a space that aims to bridge interdisciplinary research with pedagogy.



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