Tuesday, October 11, 2022

CES: Call for Proposals! Europe's Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias

***Please circulate this to any potentially interested listservs and/or research networks. Thank you!***

The Council for European Studies (CES) invites proposal submissions for the 29th International Conference of Europeanists and CES's 50th Anniversary celebration at the University of Iceland on June 27-29, 2023. The conference theme is Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias

Iceland is an ideal place for the CES community to gather to celebrate our 50th Anniversary. Fittingly, Iceland sits at the juncture of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates, perhaps a geological metaphor for ongoing shifts and rifts in the deep structure of Europe. 

We are thrilled to reunite in person again in Reykjavik where the local organizing team, led by Sigrún Ólafsdóttir (University of Iceland), and the conference program co-chairs Jason Beckfield (Harvard University), Adrian Favell (University College Cork), and Rósa Magnusdottir (University of Iceland) are working to assemble an exciting, engaging, and innovative program. 

We invite proposals for panels, round tables, book discussions, and individual papers on the study of Europe. We encourage proposals in the widest range of disciplines, and particularly welcome panels featuring scholars representing different disciplines, nationalities, genders, scholarly career stages, and other life experiences. Please note that priority will be given to full panel submissions. Participants may find it useful to connect with like-minded scholars through the growing number of CES Research Networks.

All proposals may be submitted from September 6, 2022 to 11:59 PM EDT, October 17, 2022. Participants may present in a maximum of two paper sessions and one book panel/roundtable. Chairing, moderating, and discussant roles do not count towards this limit. Ope

All applicants, whether they are submitting individually or are invited to an organized panel, must first submit respective individual proposals in one of the following categories

  • Single Paper - Select this category if you are submitting an individual proposal or if you are invited to join the paper panel
  • Roundtable / Book Panelist Proposal - Select this category if you are invited to participate in a book panel or a roundtable

If you are a chair/panel organizer, please submit in the Paper Panel or Book Panel/Roundtable category. Panel proposals cannot be finalized until ALL panel participants have submitted proposal applications individually. Invited panelists should specify that their proposal is part of a panel and should provide the panel organizer’s/chair’s email. The panel organizer/chair will then receive a confirmation email with a paper proposal number for each paper submitted to her/his panel and can assemble the full proposal on the submission platform. 

We know this process is a bit cumbersome, but it ensures only finalized panels make it through to the review and scheduling stages. It also keeps operating costs down so we can ensure that the conference is as affordable and accessible as possible.

Visit the Conference FAQs for further information. Detailed information on how to submit proposals is also available on the CES website.

If you have any questions, email us at: events@ces-europe.org

We look forward to your paper and panel submissions, and to seeing you in Iceland.


The CES Team

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